Next Steps

Education Leaders Mastermind

You must prioritize Leading Yourself first before Leading Others

**Take Action Today: Next mastermind starts Fall of ‘24**

  • As a leader in education, do you sometimes feel like you are on an island?

  • Have you felt overwhelmed, overstressed, burn-out? Do you feel that other areas of your life are slipping?

  • Do you wish there was a community that was concerned about both your personal and professional development?

  • Would you benefit from having coaching and accountability in both your personal and professional life?

    • Life Coaching Meets Professional Development

  • Would you like to collaborate and network with educational leaders outside your school district?

  • Do you want to learn how to lead yourself first before leading others?

  • Mastermind led by experienced school administrator (10 years school principal/admin experience)

How will I benefit from the Next Steps Mastermind?

  • Opportunity to collaborate and network with other educational leaders outside your district.

  • Emphasis on Personal Development (Lead Self First) through focus on 6 F’s (Fitness, Fellowship, Finances, Focus/Career, Family, and Fun!

  • Grow professionally as we explore best practices in educational leadership (Lead Others)

    • PD Modules: Data-Informed Decision Making; Collaboration and Team-Building; Innovation and Tech Integration; Artificial Intelligence; Effective Leadership, Instructional Leadership

  • Understand your strengths better by taking a strengths test to determine your Top 5 strengths and how to utilize them to your advantage.

  • Experience benefits of partnering with a Success Partner that will help you stay on track of personal and professional goals.


Our mission is to cultivate a dynamic community of education leaders from diverse backgrounds and school districts, united by a shared commitment to collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth. 

Our mastermind group is dedicated to helping every member realize their full potential and become the best version of themselves as leaders in their respective fields. We believe in the power of personal development and strive to provide resources, guidance, and support to help each member thrive both personally and professionally.  We believe that leadership begins with a fundamental focus on leading oneself first.

We embrace the principle that every member has valuable insights, experiences, and expertise to contribute. We foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment, where every member has the opportunity to lead and make meaningful contributions to the group.

Take Next Steps and Join Our Community!

Take Next Steps and Join Our Community!


Now $400 for semester

Cost includes the following:

  • 11 Coaching Sessions with Mastermind Group

  • Strengths Test to Identify Your Top 5

  • Team Up with Success Partner for Ongoing Accountability

  • Collaboration and Network with diverse group of educational leaders

  • Exclusive access to online community for ongoing personal and professional development

  • Next Steps Mindset Mastermind Certificate upon completion of semester. 11 Hours of PD in Educational Leadership