Healthy Individuals = Healthy Orgs

Organizations are a sum of all the parts that make up that organization. Much like the human body, if a part of the organization is not well, it can cause harm and even death to the rest of the organization. A lot of emphasis is placed on the value of leadership. Rightfully so, as leaders are in a place of great influence. An effective leader can provide vision, direction, modeling, encouragement, and make sure things are getting done. A great leader can get the most out of its team.

The reality though is that a great leader is not enough. If you you look at coaches and CEOs that have demonstrated success for their team or company, and then they switch teams/companies, more often than not they are not able to replicate the success they had previously. Why is that? Their previous success placed them on a pedestal, making other teams and companies think, “If we can just get that leader, we will turn everything around.” The truth is that great teams/companies are composed of great systems that invest in each individual and foster leadership/responsibility at every level.

Our culture loves a charismatic, bigger than life leader, but what our culture needs is effective leadership at multiple levels down to every individual on the team/organization. There must be a shared responsibility of the success of the team. Bad teams and organizations will often blame the coach or CEO as a way to avoid their own responsibility for the lack of success.

We have to move away from the cult of the charismatic leader and return to good systems that foster leadership and responsibility at every level. Teammates and employees need to be looked at holistically, not just how much value can we squeeze out of them. Healthy individuals will take on leadership and responsibility at every level of the organization, and ultimately will help carry the leader and team to success.


Developing a Next Steps Mindset