Developing a Next Steps Mindset

The idea for Next Steps Mindset has been a life long journey. Throughout my life and career, I have developed a unique set of experiences and skills that have placed me in a position to help others. I have consistently seen the power of controlling what you can control. We don’t get to decide which doors are opened for us, but we do get to decide which doors and how many we knock on.

During the pandemic, I had the privilege of being principal of one of the largest middle schools in the country. Contrary to the trend around the country, we remained in-person throughout. Despite overwhelming challenges: extreme staff shortages ;logistics of providing a safe environment; fear and anxiety from staff, students, and families; and political headwinds in the state of Oklahoma - just to name a few- I would always ask myself, “What is the next best step?” This allowed me to not stress about the thousand details that were out of my control.

In a world of constant distraction we must remain grounded in our values. Next Steps Mindset believes in the power of holistic coaching and mentoring to help individuals and schools stay focused on their top priorities. Each of us needs a guide to help us understand our value system, stay true to these values, and challenge us to reach our full potential. We do this by taking small, actionable steps each and every day. Though we often hope for massive change in a short period of time, the key to sustained success is to consistently take small, daily steps in the direction of our desired destination.


Avoiding "Ugly Dad" Mode: Be a Hero When You Get Home


Healthy Individuals = Healthy Orgs